We welcome you to the 3rd annual Science Colloquium

This event is intended to provide students an opportunity to share out their findings about what fascinates them or what they have learned in a supportive academic setting. This also provides them a chance to engage with their peers, discuss the scientific ideas presented, and receive feedback.

During this event we will hear from our keynote speaker as well as the students of Pikes Peak State College as they present their scientific journey.


How Science Transforms Society & Promotes Equity: Things You May Not Think About
Dr. Joseph Miller, PT, DPT, DSc

Director, Physical Therapist Assistant Program PPSC, Board-certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Board-certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Abstracts – student Presentations

Fluidized Air Beds: Purpose & Advantages in Many Industries
Aston Medellin 
Fluidized air beds have been known for a long time, since the 1950s, and have been in medical use since then. While used across many industries such as agriculture, medicine, and powdered coat panting, it is not a widely known process, however, a device can be surprisingly simple to make. The particles must be in equilibrium with gravity using nitrogen gas, or compressed air, this makes the particles act more like a fluid rather than small solids. A standard much larger scale demonstration of this is a ping pong ball and a hair dryer to showcase what is happening to each individual particle. The purpose of this technology and its advantages used in many industries will be discussed, also a model will be made to showcase it further.

Appendicitis Treatment Known & Unknown Practices: Is Surgery the Only Option?
Inga Fabriciusa
Appendectomy is the one of the most common emergency abdominal surgeries. During surgery the appendix of the large intestine is removed (Appendectomy, 2022). The purpose of this study is to determine if surgery is the only option in appendicitis treatment; and if appendectomy cannot be avoided, what are the less traumatic surgical approaches.