This series is organized by students to bridge academic discussion with real world issues. Each week presents virtual Q&A with college and community leaders about solutions to local and global problems.


Join the conversation Invite a friend, family member or colleague; it’s a great way to learn.

Attend here: Webex

Wednesday, April 20

9:30 -10:30 am INDIE FILMMAKING, Jacinda Zaffuto, Art Director, Graduate, Colorado Film School will discuss the
how-to’s of independent film making and the variety of opportunities for students who want to work in film.

Monday, April 25

2-3:00 pm ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Yeme Mobulade, will discuss the ingredients
of a sustainable economic development plan for Colorado Springs and his aspiration to be the next Mayor.

Tuesday, April 26

9:30 -10:30 am BANKING Ent Credit Union, Rick Nieves, Business Banker, will explain the importance of sound
financial decision making and how banking helps build communities through small business and home ownership.

Wednesday, April 27

9:30 -10:30 am MANUFACTURING, Colorado Advanced Manufacturing Association will discuss the importance of
manufacturing to the middle class and ways for the US to regain its competitive advantage by reskilling the workforce.

2-3:00 pm HEALTHCARE Stride Health, will discuss the changes in healthcare and how the healthcare
insurance system works to provide affordable healthcare coverage.

Monday, May 2

2-3:00 pm CRIMINAL JUSTICE Last Prisoner Project will discuss sentencing reform for cannabis offenses and
effective ways to empower ex-offenders to be successful in civilian life despite difficult circumstances.

Tuesday, May 3

9:30-10:30 am SPORTS ADMINISTRATION Denise Bennington, Marci Henry, Athletic Directors, Northeastern
Junior College Athletic Department will discuss the role of athletic directors, budget management and governance,
supporting student athletes, contribution of collegiate sports to school and community, and the challenges of recruiting and
sustaining a diverse workforce.

Wednesday, May 4

9:30-10:30 am ANIMAL RESCUE Humane Society Pikes Peak Region recognized as one of the 10 most fiscally
responsible charities in the country will discuss how the HSPPR protects animals and fights cruelty.

2-3:00 pm ACCOMMODATING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Our House will discuss the school and work
challenges facing those with disabilities and ways all of us can help in maximizing potential.

Tuesday, May 10

9:30-10:30 am GAMING Mike Gnade*, board game designer, Manor Rock Games will discuss the how-to’s of
creating, producing, and delivering board games to the market and the impact of the video game industry on his company.