Ransomware Attacks
by Anthony Candito
Cybersecurity starts with you! While accessing the internet, you, loved ones and friends are always at risk. This is important because everyday we have the internet involved with our regular & daily routines. If you are not being responsible about information you post, share, receive and save then you are allowing yourself to be a target. Minimize this risk by being less vulnerable.
Currently in 2021, there is a ransomware attack every 11 seconds, up from 39 seconds since 2019.
According to a FBI report (in 2020) on internet crime, 241,342 Americans fell victim to phishing, vishing and smishing attacks last year, making it the most common type of cyber crime. With identity theft and spoofing also high on the list of common offenses, protecting personal data from getting into the wrong hands is a crucial part in the fight against online crime.
Some things to help keep you from being attacked is being aware of your risks, securing your networks, backing up your data and using strong passwords. This is a great spot to start if you have not started already!
- “Passwords are like underwear: don’t let people see it, change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers.” – Chris Pirillo
- “ It takes 20 years to build a good reputation and a few minutes of a cyber-incident to ruin it.” –Stephanie Nappo
- “ I really think that if we change our own approach and thinking about what we have available to us, that is what will unlock our ability to truly excel in security. It’s a perspectives exercise. What would it look like if abundance were the reality and not resource constraint?” –Greg York
43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses and that number is getting much worse as time goes on.
Personally, and professionally this is extremely important to me, and it should to you! You should want to protect your own personal information along with your business information. You work so hard to get to that point professionally and personally, keep a strong line of defense up and don’t let yourself or the people you care about get attacked. It can leave you in a terrible position or could even hurt you financially if you aren’t aware of the different kinds of attacks you can be vulnerable too.
I opened myself up to new knowledge about cybersecurity. I honestly had no clue that some of these stats are so high. I didn’t think that the cyberworld was being attacked like it really is. It is eye-opening, real-world stuff that all of us need to act on.
Do your part! #BeCyberSmart
Quotes: https://www.blue-pencil.ca/8-tweetable-cybersecurity-quotes-to-help-you-and-your-business-stay-safer
Facts: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publica tions/Cybersecurity%20Awareness%20Month%20202 1%20- %20Cybersecurity%20Starts%20With%20You%20Tip%20Sheet.pdf https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/p ublications/Cybersecurity%20Awareness%20Month%202021%20- %20Why%20is%20Cybersecurity%20Important.pdf Stattista https://www.statista.com/chart/24593/most-common-types-of-cyber-crime/