by James Bui, staff writer

Are you interested in Anthropology? Are you an honor student looking for a community to further your future? Or perhaps a nursing student looking for a mentoring program?

The numerous clubs around campus easily answer these queries. Each student-led club has an adviser, with anyone able to reach out and ask questions. By engaging in these clubs, students can directly support student life, as clubs all around campus rely on student engagement and adviser support.

Three students from Robotics Club

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Over the past few semesters, clubs have struggled due to low engagement. The website information is outdated with old links and incorrect adviser information. Instead of going to the websit, pay attention to flyers around campus and social media. Students can find these important social spaces and communities that share common interests and goals.

Here’s a short list of some of the clubs available, though the ones featured merely scratch the surface of clubs, activities and student life:



Anthropology Club

  • Advised by Gwendolyn Wallen-Sena:
  • Meets twice a month on Thursdays at 4 p.m.
  • Meets remotely with students from both Rampart and Centennial
  • No requirement to join
  • Activities include: mock archaeology digs, museum field trips, trips to conferences such as the Society for Linguistic Anthropology

Phi Theta Kappa

  • Advised by Dre Guy:
  • Located at Centennial, rooms A200N
  • Meets the first and third Thursday of the month in rooms either A200V/A172 or remotely through the club’s Discord channel
  • Requires a 3.25 GPA or higher after 12 credit hours and an $80 charge for lifetime membership
  • The club helps plan events such as Hispanic Heritage Month, bowling, and attending conventions like Catalyst, which help with professional development

Nursing Club

  • Advised by Randee Nyman:
  • Meets on Thursday once a month at the CHESS campus from 1–3 p.m., with events between meetings
  • Requires students to be enrolled as nursing students
  • The club has organized activities such as tie-dying, blood drives, and career fairs, and has an ongoing mentorship program for nursing students