by Seth Phillips, staff writer

Uno is a game forged from the fiery pits of crushed spirits of family and friends who have been decimated by the unruly power of a draw four card. The question is, which version of uno is the best?

#7 Uno All Wild

Have you ever wanted to play Uno without the colored cards? Well, Uno All Wild is the game for you. This game is played with, as the name implies, only wild cards. It includes wildcard variations of the classic draw two, skip, and reverse card as well as the already wild plus four card, but they also add a targeted draw 2 card, which allows the player to force anyone to draw two; a skip two card, which allows the player to skip the next two people; and the wild force swap, which forces you and another player of your choice to swap hands.

#6 Uno No Politics

Is your Uno group a bit overly political? Uno No Politics may be your solution. Uno No Politics removes the potentially politically charged red and blue cards and replaces them with purple and orange. The game only adds one additional rule to the original game of Uno, if anyone brings up politics they must draw two.

 #5 Uno Ultimate

Uno Ultimate is a strange one.  It’s an attempt to make Uno a truly competitive card game. It’s a collaboration between Uno and Marvel/DC where you are given a deck based on a character from Marvel/DC that has special powers based on the character, and the goal of the game is to lose all of your deck and prevent your opponent from emptying their deck.

 #4 Uno Dare

Uno Dare is a game where you have to complete a dare whenever a dare card is played. These dares can be anything from talking like a pirate until your next turn or literally anything you decide using the house rules card.

#3 Uno Houserules

If you liked the idea of the house rules card in Uno Dare, then you will love Uno Houserules. Uno Houserules makes cards numbered one through five have additional rules given by the players of the game. If you have a group who’s capable of making fun rules to play with then this very well may be the most fun version of Uno out there

#2 Uno Flip

Uno Flip is one of the most fun variations of Uno. The front half of the cards, or the light side, is Uno on easy mode, which means plus-twos are plus-ones and plus-fours are plus-twos. The only card added on the light side is the flip card, which flips you to the dark side where instead of red, blue, green, and yellow, the cards are orange, teal, purple, and pink. Additionally the dark side is Uno on hard mode with the new cards being a plus-five instead of a plus-two, a skip-everyone card instead of a regular skip card, and scariest of all: instead of a plus-four, there is a draw-color card where whoever plays it choses a color, and the next person must draw until they get that color.

#1 Uno No Mercy

Uno No Mercy is a game made to destroy people. This game has not only plus-twos and -fours but also plus-four-reverse, plus-six, and even plus-tens. This version mandates the sevens and zeros rule where if you play a seven you swap hands with someone, and if you play a zero, everyone rotates hands. This game reintroduces the aforementioned draw-color card and the skip-everyone card from Uno Flip and adds a new discard-all of a color card, which has you discard all cards of the matching colors. No mercy is the most chaotic version of Uno hands down.